
Tamil Nadu Open University

Chennai, Tamil Nadu

Tamil Nadu Open University Latest Exam Results

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About Tamil Nadu Open University (TNOU)

TN Open University Results 2019 - All TNOU Term End results 2019 will be available at our official page of The Tamil Nadu Open University was established by an Act (No.27 of 2002) of the Legislative Assembly of the Government of Tamil Nadu to benefit those who have been deprived of and/or denied the access to higher education especially destitute, physically challenged, working men and women, economically weaker sections of the society, and those who discontinued education for various reasons, etc. In the main, it aims to reach the hitherto unreached. The University offers many Programmes in various disciplines. 

The Distance Education Council, Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) paid rich tributes to the Government of Tamil Nadu for having established TNOU thus: Given the geographical extent, population and actual need of Tamil Nadu, the setting up of Tamil Nadu Open University by the Government of Tamil Nadu is the right step. We appreciate the Government of Tamil Nadu for having taken this bold and knowledgeable step. This step of the Government of Tamil Nadu shall prove a boon for women, physically challenged, rural poor and marginalized sections of the society and we are committed to supporting it academically as well as financially. In a short period of six months, Tamil Nadu Open University has done a remarkable work. 

The University, we understand has initiated steps for recruitment and the announcement of programmes, both of which would not have been possible without considerable groundwork and are really commendable. We are sure the action of Government of Tamil Nadu will help us increase enrolments and move towards the targets of 10th Plan."

Tamil Nadu Open University Exam Time Table / Date Sheet

The Tamil Nadu Open University will be conducted the exam in the academic year. The official members of the University will be created the exam date sheet. The Tamil Nadu Open University will upload the exam date sheet in the official site and also we provide the University Exam Date Sheet Here

The Exam Time Table is very important for a student. The Students can plan their study timing according to Examination Schedule and appear in the examination to score higher marks in TNOU Examination. So the Private, Regular, Non-Collage (NC) and Ex-Students must download TNOU Undergraduate and Postgraduate Exam Date Sheet 2019 for 1st Year, 2nd Year and 3rd Year or Final Year. The Tamil Nadu Open University Exam Schedule 2019 download link is available above.

TNOU Exam Admit Card / Hall Ticket Download

Enrolled Students in Tamil Nadu Open University Undergraduate/Postgraduate programme can download TNOU Admit Card to appear in Undergraduate/ Postgraduate program exams. Tamil Nadu Open University releases TNOU admit card in Official Website.

TNOU Exam Hall Ticket couple of weeks before the exam dates. So, you must get your TNOU Admit Card soon via online mode.

The Students who are going to appear for the annual exams advised downloading admit card before the few weeks of regular examination. Without the entry card, aspirants will not allow giving their examinations. The postulants need to have the roll number to get the hall ticket on the official main portal.

Tamil Nadu Open University Admission 2019

The Tamil Nadu Open University (TNOU) offers sixteen specializations under B.A. course, four specializations under B.Com./BBA, three specializations under BCA and eight specializations under B.Sc. whereas at Postgraduate level the University offers eighteen specializations in M.A., seven specializations under M.Sc. program and one specialization under M.Com./MBA/MCA/M.L.I.Sc. The University also offers various Undergraduate and PG Diploma courses to the Students.

Tamil Nadu Open University (TNOU), Chennai UG Admission

Admission to Undergraduate courses is on the basis of marks acquired by the Student in 12th or equivalent from a recognized board. Selection will be made on the basis of marks secured in TNOU BPP (Tamil Nadu Open University – Bachelor’s Preparatory Program) exam.

Tamil Nadu Open University (TNOU), Chennai PG Admission

Students applying for Postgraduate courses must hold a Bachelor’s degree from a recognized University/Institute with minimum 50% aggregate. Selection will be made on the basis of marks acquired in the Bachelor’s degree.

Tamil Nadu Open University (TNOU), Chennai Diploma Courses Admission

The Institute offers Diploma Courses at the Undergraduate and Postgraduate level. Students applying for these courses at UG level must be a high-school graduate (10+2) and for those applying to PG diploma courses a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree is mandatory.

Online Exam Form of Tamil Nadu Open University

Students applying for UG, PG, Diploma and PG Diploma programs offered by the Tamil Nadu Open University [TNOU] must visit the specified study centers to get the application forms and prospectus. The final selection of the Students is based on completion of qualifying exam followed by counseling.

  1. The Application Forms can be obtained from the study centers on the payment of prescribed payment of Rs. 100/- in cash.
  2. Application forms can also be obtained From the Deputy Registrar, MPDD, TNOU, 577, Anna Salai, Saidapet, Chennai– 600 015 by post on payment of Rs.150/- by demand draft issued in favor of the Tamil Nadu Open University payable at Chennai.
  3. Admission forms need to be submitted to the study centers on or before April 30th or October 31st of the academic year.
  4. On submission of the Application Form, the Study Centre will issue a statement of acknowledgment to the Student and forward the Forms to the Zonal Centres.
  5. The Admission Wing, after the detailed examination of the Application Forms, shall allot the Enrollment Number and send the ID Cards to the Study Centres for handing over to the Students.
  6. Then the Students may quote their Enrollment Number in all their further references with the University.
  7. Students who wish to enroll for a Diploma/ Certificate Program under the scheme of Dual Registration shall submit separate Application Forms.
  8. Separate copies of the eligibility and other certificates, a photograph of the Student and the signature of the Student should be attested by any one of the Group A and Group B Officers.
  9. For all the Program the fees shall be paid to the University. The fees may be remitted in any branch of the State Bank of India or Indian Bank.
  10. For remitting the fees, the Student may use the photocopy of the remittance Challan Form enclosed in the Prospectus. The Banker will return the challan of TNOU copy and Student copy.
  11. The Student will have to enclose the TNOU copy of the remitted challan with the application for Admission. They may also consult their Study Centers regarding remittance of fees.
  12. Students may submit the filled in Application Forms along with the University copy of the Challan.
  13. Selected Students will have to get their documents verified and the counseling will be held on the dates prescribed.

Tamil Nadu Open University Major Courses

List of courses offered by Tamil Nadu Open University (TNOU)

  • Master of Business Administration [MBA]
  • Bachelor of Arts [B.A]
  • Bachelor of Commerce [B.Com]
  • Bachelor of Business Administration [BBA]
  • Bachelor of Education [B.Ed]
  • Bachelor of Literature [B.Lit] (Tamil)
  • Bachelor of Computer Applications [B.C.A] {Lateral}
  • Bachelor of Computer Application [B.C.A]
  • Bachelor of Social Work [BSW]
  • Bachelor of Science [B.Sc]
  • Bachelor of Science [B.Sc] (Fashion and Apparel Design)
  • Master of Science [M.Sc]
  • Post Doctoral Programme in Mathematics
  • Master of Computer Applications [M.C.A]
  • Master of Computer Applications [M.C.A] {Lateral}
  • Master of Social Work [MSW]
  • Master of Commerce [M.Com]
  • Master of Arts [M.A]
  • M.A. (Criminology & Criminal Justice)
  • Post Graduate Diploma
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Information Technology Management [PGDITM]
  • Diploma
  • Diploma in food production
  • Certification
  • Bachelor of Literature
  • Master of Science [M.S] (Apparel and Fashion Design)
  • Ph.D
  • Master of Philosophy [M.Phil]

Affiliated Colleges for TNOU

List of colleges affiliated with Tamil Nadu Open University (TNOU)

  1. MFT Chennai - Madras Institute of Fashion Technology
  2. Asan Memorial Institute of Hotel Management and Catering Technology, Chennai
  3. Aryabhatta B-School, Bhubaneswar
  4. IGCDE Coimbatore - Indira Gandhi College of Distance Education
  5. MCC Bangalore - Mysore Correspondence College Malleswaram
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Boards / Universities / Institutions List

University of Madras 70 Directorate of Government Examinations Tamil Nadu 60 Vellore Institute of Technology, VITEEE 54 Anna University, Chennai 48 Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University 44 Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women 39 ANNAMALAI UNIVERSITY 35 Indian Maritime University, Chennai 26 Madurai Kamaraj University 26 Bharathiar University 23 Bharathidasan University 19 Periyar University, Tamilnadu 14 Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission 14 SRM University 11 Tamil Nadu Open University 11 The Tamilnadu Dr M.G.R Medical University 10 Indian Institute of Technology Madraas 9 Directorate of Technical Education,TamilNadu 9 Alagappa University 9 Teachers Recruitment Board 8 TamilNadu Board of Higher Secondary Education 6 Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham 6 Tamil University 5 VEL TECH Dr.RR AND Dr.SR TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY 5 Mother Teresa womens university 4 Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University 4 Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education & Research 4 Maher University 4 Bharath University 3 Central University of Tamilnadu 3 B.S Abdur Rahman University 2 Manonmaniam Sundaranar University 2 Thiruvalluvar University 2 Central Institute of Plastics Engineering and Technology 1 AMET University 1 Chennai Mathematical Institute 0 Chettinad University 0 DAKSHINA BHARAT HINDI PRACHAR SABHA 0 Dr. M.G.R Educational and Research Institute 0 Gandhigram Rural Institute 0 Hindustan University 0 Kalasalingam University 0 Karpagam University 0 Karunya University 0 Prist University 0 Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development 0 Regional Joint Director of School Education 0 Sastra University 0 Sathyabama University 0 Saveetha University 0 Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya 0 Sri Ramachandra Medical College and Research 0 VELS University 0 Vinayaka Mission University 0 Tamil Nadu Fisheries University 0 Noorul Islam University 0 Periyar Maniammai University 0 St. Peter'S University 0 Tamil Nadu Board of Secondary Education 0 Anna University of Technology Coimbarote 0 Anna University of Technology Tiruchirapalli 0 Anna University of Technology Tirunelveli 0 Anna University of Technology-Madurai 0 Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research 0 Manonmaniam Sundarnar University 0 Meenakshi Academy of Higher Education and Research 0 Ponnaiyah Ramajayam Institute of Science and Technology (PRIST) University 0 S.R.M Institute of Science and Technology 0 Shanmugha Arts, Science, Technology and Research Academy University (SASTRA University) 0 Tamil Nadu Teacher Education University 0 Tamilnadu Agricultural University 0 Tamilnadu Physical Education and Sports University 0 Tamilnadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University 0